In association with


HealthSurveys provides all the tools and information you need in order to design and run surveys in your organisation. You can design your own surveys from scratch or start from a survey design template. Many of the predefined questions on PSHE topics have been developed and tested by the Schools Health Education Unit (SHEU) over a substantial period of time and they provide reliable information about health issues. Your results for these questions can be compared with large UK samples or against historical trends. Follow this link for comments from SHEU survey users.

Designing surveys to include your own questions is quite easy, although it is not always as easy as you think to produce well worded questions. HealthSurveys provides the editing facilities to create, update, move and delete your questions within your survey template. Questions can contain graphics to keep peoples attention.

To make the most of your survey results HealthSurveys provides a number of facilities for reporting the results and checking on survey completion. You can also download your survey data to your PC to input into your own database or spreadsheet.


Organisations can register to use predefined health surveys or to have full survey design facilities. Please e-mail us for more information.